Sunday, June 13, 2010

Garage Stomp Rock Lyrics.

I wanna take you on a

rain date a

rain date

wanna take you on a

rain date a

rain date






I'm gonna tie you to a

train track

a train track on a mother fucking

rain date a

rain date

sick, we're going on a

rain date

a rain date.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

behhh beh beh behhhh

you made me sit in your damned driveway and smoke dope with no engine power with my dome light on!

that battery shit cost me 300 bucks nine years ago and I want my money back!

y'all burnt my alternator out over some crack and I still ain't happy bout that!

Me and Kenny shot junk and decided to rob the hardware store.

We got so fucked up we broke into the TV repair store next door by mistake.

We broke into the wrong goddamned store.

So by the time the cops showed up, we were in the back alley blacking out and laughing.

Breaking windows, escaping into the night.

We ran.

Their flashlights cast long weird shadows on the alley walls.

Me and Kenny made it back to his moms house.

Under the fence and in through the first floor window.

We laughed about the broken glass, the botched job and the dumb fuck cops.

Then Ken's mom yelled at us to shut the fuck up.

We sniffed some more dope and got quiet.

Real, real quiet.

eating fish in bermuda.